Job Requirements
- 5 years Experience with React;
- Experience with Electron, Expo & Multi-platform development;
- Experience with high quality front end development & pixel focus approaches
- Experience with complexe multi-features applications with high level of complexity;
- Deep understanding of decentralized Applications patterns, etc.;
- Experience in an agile development environment;
- Experience with distributed teams, async & sync work, github; peer reviews;
- Experience with gRPC;
- Experience with git.
Additional benefits:
- Basic understanding of smart contracts;
- Experience in IPFS protocol;
- Minimum Interest in the topics of proof-of-stake, consensus algorithms, decentralized exchanges, public-key cryptography, security, etc.;
- Experience with CI systems;
- Fluent English language — able to animate team sync, or give a tech talk.
Job Responsibilities
- Participate to the main dApp development;
- Lead some features development & review peers works;